Strategies for Dealing with Customer Complaints as a Mobile Hairdresser

As a mobile hairdresser, you have the unique opportunity to bring the salon experience straight to your clients’ doors.

But with this convenience comes some added pressure to provide top-notch customer service – after all, you’re not just offering a haircut or color; you’re bringing the entire salon experience to your clients.

And let’s face it; sometimes, things don’t go as smoothly as we’d like.

Whether it’s a late arrival, a miscommunication about services or pricing, or general dissatisfaction, customer complaints are an inevitable part of the job.

But don’t worry – with a little know-how; you can turn those complaints into opportunities to strengthen your relationships with your clients and improve your business.

In this article, we’ll go over some tips for dealing with customer complaints as a mobile hairdresser, as well as some common complaints and how to resolve them.

So grab your stylist cap, and let’s get started!

Common Customer Complaints

common hair complaints
  1. Late arrival or cancellation of the appointment. There’s nothing more frustrating than waiting for your hair appointment only to find out that the stylist is running late – or worse, that they’ve canceled entirely. To avoid this issue, communicate clearly with your clients about your schedule and policies for cancellations or rescheduling.
  2. Unsatisfactory haircut or style. It’s the bane of every hairdresser’s existence – a client who leaves feeling like their haircut or style wasn’t exactly what they wanted. To prevent this, listen carefully to your client’s requests and ask clarifying questions if necessary. It’s also a good idea to show them pictures or examples of what you plan to do to ensure you’re on the same page. Also, don’t forget to test any products before you use them, that will stop many client complaints.
  3. Miscommunication about services or pricing. Nothing ruins a good hair day like finding out that you’ve been charged more than you expected – or that you didn’t get the services you thought you were paying for. Clearly communicate your pricing and services before the appointment to avoid this issue. Consider using a written contract or having the client sign off on a service list to ensure no misunderstandings.
  4. Unprofessional behavior from the hairdresser. No one wants to be stuck in a chair with a stylist who is rude, unprofessional, or just plain unpleasant. To prevent this issue, always behave courteously and respectfully toward your clients. This includes answering their questions, being punctual, using the right body language, and maintaining a clean and organized workspace.
  5. Unsatisfactory product recommendations. Sometimes, a client might leave feeling like the products you recommended for them weren’t up to par. To avoid this issue, ask your clients about their hair type, concerns, and allergies before making product recommendations. And if a client does have a problem with a product you’ve recommended, be willing to offer an alternative or a refund.

7 Tips for Dealing With Client Complaints

dealing with client complaints
  1. Stay calm and professional – no matter what. When a customer complains, it’s easy to get flustered and defensive. But the best thing you can do is stay calm and collected. Take a deep breath, and remember that the client is coming to you with a problem that needs to be solved.
  2. Listen actively and empathetically. It’s not enough to nod and say “uh-huh” – really listen to what your client says. Show them that you understand their concerns and are taking them seriously.
  3. Acknowledge the customer’s feelings and validate their experience. Let your client know that you understand why they’re upset and that their feelings are valid. This helps to build trust and shows that you care about their experience.
  4. Offer a solution or compensation, if appropriate. If there was a mistake or issue, be proactive in finding a solution or offering compensation. This shows you’re willing to go the extra mile to make things right.
  5. Follow up with the customer to ensure their satisfaction. After you’ve addressed the complaint, check in with the client to ensure they’re happy with the resolution. This shows that you value their business and want to ensure they’re satisfied.
  6. Use complaints as an opportunity to improve. When a client brings up an issue, don’t just brush it off – use it as an opportunity to learn and improve. Ask for feedback and see if there are any changes you can make to prevent similar issues in the future.
  7. Remember that a happy customer is a loyal customer. Providing excellent customer service doesn’t just keep your clients happy in the moment – it can also lead to long-term loyalty. When clients feel heard and valued, they’re more likely to come back to you again and again. So, go above and beyond to ensure they feel satisfied and pampered.

Mobile Hairdressing – The Importance of Customer Service

happy client

Customer service is vital in all industries! And being a mobile hairdresser is no different. After all, you are bringing your service to them, which comes with additional challenges, and your business reputation is at stake.

Think about it: when you’re in a salon, you have the added distractions of other stylists, clients, and possibly even loud music or TVs to help pass the time.

But when you’re in someone’s home, it’s just you and your client – so it’s even more important to ensure they feel at ease.

So, how do you do that? By providing excellent customer service, of course! That means being prompt, professional, and courteous at all times.

It means actively listening to your client’s requests and concerns and ensuring you deliver the exact services they’re looking for.

And if something goes wrong (because, let’s face it, we’re all human, and mistakes happen), it’s all about how you handle client complaints.

By staying calm, acknowledging the issue, and offering a solution or compensation, you can turn a potentially negative situation into a positive one.

And let’s not forget about the power of word-of-mouth. When your clients leave feeling pampered and satisfied, they’re more likely to recommend you to their friends and family.

But if they leave feeling frustrated or disappointed, you can bet they’ll tell everyone they know about their negative experience.

So, mobile hairdressers: remember, you have the power to make your clients’ days with your amazing skills and top-notch customer service. Keep those smiles on their faces, and you’ll have a thriving business in no time.


Well, there you have it – some tips for handling client complaints as a mobile hairdresser.

Remember, happy clients are more likely to return and recommend you to their friends and family – so providing excellent customer service is crucial for the success of your business.

Most unhappy customers can be positive if you approach the situation correctly and address their concerns.

So the next time a client comes to you with a complaint, don’t panic – use these tips to turn it into an opportunity to strengthen your relationship and improve your business.

And don’t forget to have a little fun while you’re at it – after all, hairdressing should be a joy, not a stressor.

Happy styling!